Illustration for 'Housing During the Heat Wave' article on the effects of the 2021 summer heat wave among vulnerable groups in the Eugene community who lack adequate air conditioning and housing. Created in Adobe Illustrator in 2021.

Illustration for 'Drinking to Cope' article on alcohol consumption during the pandemic among University of Oregon students. Created in Adobe Illustrator in 2021.

Illustration accompanying 'An Ephemeral Thing', an Ethos blog piece on the presence of performing arts in Eugene. Made in Adobe Illustrator in 2021. 

Illustration for 'Women in the Honors College', on the power imbalance between male-presenting and female-presenting students in Honors College courses.. Made in Adobe Illustrator in 2021. 

Digital Illustration accompanying a piece from Ethos Magazine, on the Outdoor Program and at the University of Oregon and their 'Redefining Outdoorsy' Campaign. This program seeks to increase diversity in, and access to, the outdoors among the Eugene community. Created in Adobe Illustrator.

Set of three illustrations made in Adobe Illustrator for a story on Latino Businesses in Eugene, Oregon, for Ethos Magazine.

Illustration for 'Bent Spoke Outreach', on the local volunteers at Bent Spoke Outreach in Eugene, Oregon who bike and deliver resources to houseless people in the community. Made in Adobe Illustrator in 2022. 

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